
Showing posts from May, 2022

What are the common causes of food cravings?

  Food cravings can occur as a result of several factors, both physical and mental.  In this article, we’ll discuss some of the common ones among them. So, read ahead! It’s normal if you desire a specific food once in a while. But if it happens frequently and seems irresistible, then the condition can be termed “food cravings”. Food cravings are very common nowadays and occur differently from person to person. Studies have found that men crave savory foods, while women are likely to go for sweets or foods high in fat content. Without further ado, let’s get a look at the common factors contributing to intense & uncontrollable food cravings. Stress increases cortisol levels in the body Stress or anxiety increases your levels of cortisol hormones. This is linked to hunger, making you crave food items. Also, it causes your brain to look for delicious food that may help in the release of dopamine in your body. It’s advised to do exercise and meditation regularly to reduce your stress an

Reasons To Try Aloe Vera Juice

  Here are some of the health benefits of aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice has been getting a lot of attention in the wellness world in recent years. Aloe vera has been used for its many healing properties for centuries. It tends to grow in tropical climates across the globe. It is loaded with a host of good things that are beneficial for the body. Amino acids, minerals, vitamins, sugar, salicylic acid, saponins, lignin, and enzymes are some of the things found in aloe vera. Consuming it regularly could yield some positive results for your body. Plus, making aloe vera juice is simple to do. While more research is needed to fully understand its effect, here are some potential benefits of aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice may improve skin When your skin is not well-moisturised, it can become dehydrated, which could cause you to develop acne. Dehydration may cause your skin to produce excess oil. This can cause acne breakouts. Consuming aloe vera juice could help to keep your body hydrated

Omega 3 fatty acid through plant-based diet

They are tasty and easy to find Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that is important in maintaining a healthy heart, brain, kidney function, eye, and skin. While the biggest source of omega-3 is fish, there are plenty of plant-based foods as well that are an excellent source of omega-3. This rich and essential fatty acid is abundant in several different plants and those plants also deliver dozens of other important nutrients for balanced health.  Sources include walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, edamame, seaweed, and algae. Other green leafy vegetables and beans also contain small amounts. Flax Seeds it has the highest quantity of omega-3 fatty acids of any other food, giving more than double the amount of one’s daily recommended needs in a tablespoon and seven times the recommendation in a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It is a great source of Vitamin A, magnesium, and manganese. Either consume by mixing them in homemade multi-seed crackers or add them to your favorite smoothie

How To Permanently Get Rid Of Migraine Headache

  Way to wipe out the vigorous headache Especially for today’s generation, migraine and their unbearable pain is a major problem, which becomes a malignant obstacle in the way of performing their daily tasks. This pain is so unbearable that it hurts like any other injury in our body. Migraines often occur by pain in the head, eyes and neck. Many times this pain can be accompanied by many more difficulties such as vomiting, nausea and being sensitive to any kind of light. Medical treatment is needed but there are many more effective ways to get rid of this pain. Let’s find out now Try To Relax With Hot Or Cold Therapy Take a break from your task and go for a comfort zone first. Make a hot bag or an ice bag as per your choice and relaxing methods. Hot bags give a soft pleasure to your nerves, and cold bags help reduce the pain. Keep the bag in pain areas, especially on your shoulder and neck. Continue like this for 15 to 20 minutes. After that, you can also ask someone to take a mild mas